Thursday, December 9, 2010

Beard, Jobs, etc.

So here is what is happening in my life, in no particular order.

So, I didn't get the job in New Zealand. I was not that surprised at that point, since it had been so long, still, I was a little disappointed. (Right now, I kind of just want to move back to Hawaii and start some sort of business.)

I was growing a beard for a while, but it was way too itchy, and I kept waiting for it to stop itching, but it didn't, so I shaved it all off except the goatee. My hair is longer than it's been in a while, and I am not sure how long that is going to last. Maybe not until the weekend. The beard was kind of a response to the hair, so shaving one may affect the other. We'll see. I may post some beard pictures and let people vote for their favorite look. Maybe it is to make up for the fact that I don't wear a tie to work.

The Beard.

One more day of classes. I am kind of burnt out, so that is good. I am almost finished with my current list of job applications, although I am sure there will be more. Just finished one phone interview that went well, but I find I am not always the best judge.

Just went and got an Indiana drivers license since my California one expires on my birthday. Not sure how I feel about that.

We just found out yesterday we have mice. The girls opened up their advent calendar bags to find that someone had been helping themselves to their chocolate. Bekah responded by buying one of just about every kind of mouse trap, poison, bomb, projectile weaponry in the store.

Although, I can hardly blame them for coming inside. It's been snowy here, and this week dropped into the teens and twenties. More snow this weekend.

We're really forward to Christmas at Enoch and Amy's, although I have kind of a lot of work to do before the next semester starts.