Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Blog #2

The title for my blog is Miriam's suggestion. Other options were, "not my dissertation," but that title will hopefully be obsolete in a couple years, or something very boring, like Jesse's blog, or something to do with the environment, since I am planning posting links to environmental sites I like, etc. To start out, here are the two organizations that I participate in most

moveon.org - I generally find that I agree with most of their positions on issues. Although, like lots of liberals, they sometimes have trouble imagining how they come off to most people. I find that it is a great way to keep informed about issues that I care about, and participate, however minimally, in the political process.

Union of Concerned Scientists
- Since environmental issues are the most important political issues for me, I find that I agree with almost everything these guys send me. They take a very pragmatic approach, which is nice.

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