So now, I guess I finally have a real job. (And a pretty cool shirt, thanks kt.) I have been working pretty hard for a while now, so I don't think it will be all that different. Still, I feel a little ambivalent about the whole thing, for a lot of reasons. I found a great article in the NY Times that expresses some of how I feel.
Basically, in the long academic tradition of skepticism, or self-doubt (call if what you will), I am not positive that what I am doing is what I REALLY want to do, or will be most beneficial to society. (I really want to do something that I feel is beneficial to soceity.) Or is even necessarily the best match for my talents, interests, proclivities. Of course, I think a healthy measure of skepticism about the value of academia is a good thing to have as an academic. You should be able to make a case for your relevance to society, and I can make that case in a dozen different ways, but that still doesn't really answer the other questions.