Saturday, June 27, 2009

Super Reader

So, Miriam has been reading continuously (not continually) since summer break started. Today she started the first Harry Potter book and is almost finished. Several times I had to forcefully pry her away; to go to the beach (she brought her book), to eat lunch, to finish eating lunch (one hour later, "I'm hungry") to go the pool, (she wanted to bring her book and I wouldn't let her), to write in her journal. In her journal she writes, "I am raeding Hurry Pottar. I Do not like Harry Pottey. It is a Boy Book."
"So why are you reading it?" I ask.
"Because" she says, glaring at me, "it's the only book mom got from the library that I haven't finished already."


Bekah said...

I still wonder how much she understands. The blank look she gave us when we talked about Hermione was priceless.

Melinda said...

wow! good for her. thanks for including her journal entry, that's funny. btw, do you always read her journal?

Jesse said...

Not only do I read her journal, I have to stand over her shoulder for 30 minutes to make sure she writes in it at all. She is not yet a super writer, or very good at math, and so we're working on those this summer.

Pamela Palmer said...

maybe it needs a new title (other than journal).amy's trying to figure out how to get ezra to catch the reading bug. any ideas?