Sunday, February 24, 2008

Salvation Army Bazaar

We had a fun, low key Saturday. We watched Mia and Emi, so their parents could go to the temple. Then we went to the Salvation Army Bazaar. There is no regular shop, but it is open on Saturday from 9-2. We got there at 11 and I had to be somewhere else at 2, so we didn't get to see everything, but we got some cool stuff. The main mission, clothes for M, was successful. She got a dress and a few skirts and shirts. I got a few neat Japanese styles coats, and a hanging scroll. But I was most stoked about an old book I found. I had been looking for it online and there hadn't been any for sale, but here it was for $3. When I got home, I checked and in the interim, some had been listed on Amazon, but still they were $50, so I was pretty stoked. We had noodles and ice cream at the hospital cafeteria next door and then I realized I was going to be late for my conference, so we ran to the station. We didn't have time to see everything, so we're going to have to go back. I will add some pictures of our finds soon.

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