Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring Break

So technically, this next week is finals week, and then Spring break, and then the next quarter starts. But, we've decided to postpone our kayak plans until mid April, the weekend of the 11-12, because now that I am not teaching next quarter, it is all the same for me. So instead we're going on Miriam's spring break. And Adam's coming. So I am just working now, to play later. Still, with daylight savings we've finally been to the beach after school on a weekday. Saturday, went hiking with the Elder's quorum, went to a service project, and then, since there was a tiny swell, surfed for the first time in a few weeks. Oh, by the way, I've also finished a rough draft of my last chapter of my dissertation, so now it's just about rewriting, and formatting, and editing. If anyone wants to volunteer to read a chapter and give me some feedback, let me know.


sienna said...

we still haven't figured out if we will be able to meet up with you for spring break.

sounds fun though.

Mariko said...

You know, you gave me a copy of your dissertation, but it was all in weird order (or it just felt that way). I tried to figure out how 10 pages went together before giving up. Send me a chapter by e.

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

does this mean that you guys will be able to come to Enzo's birthday party on the 28th? I know I'm pushing it but I have an invite in the mail for the girls and you know Chris is dying to show you the house he wants to buy and the million books he has checked out about green building. Come! Come!

Bekah said...

no, mariko, you're right. it was in a weird order and makes sense to anyone else. that's the problem. so that's what i need to fix. but the problem is i'm not really writing for a total non-specialist audience either.
da, do you mean mar. 28. unfortunately, i'll be in chicago for a conference. i do want to look at houses with chris though. sounds like fun.

chelsea said...

Let me know when Adam's coming. I want to hang out! If that's ok.