Tuesday, March 3, 2009

More time to write my dissertation

So, I just heard back from the second of the two schools where I had campus visits, that I did not get the job. So, it looks like we will be in Socal until Dec. at earliest and maybe longer. Then we will be looking for some other kind of gainful employment. I would love to move back to Hawaii for a bit, but we'll see. I might also be able to pick up some classes here and move off campus. At any rate, I will have some more time to write my dissertation, which is a good thing, although I am pretty ready to be finished.


Pamela Palmer said...

Darn. Hopefully something else will turn up. (I'm liking your meant to be philosophy.) I think that's true if you are doing what you can and exercising faith. (Keep applying, of course.) We're getting the new solar system today (hopefully not with global warming). Steve is supervizing.

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

I'm really, really sorry you didn't get the job.I hope something fabulous comes your way

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

this is christian
Bummer. I would still imagine that you have to finish your dissertation by june in order to stay on track. Good luck on finding something to do afterwards although I wouldn't worry too much about it just yet. We should talk.

Mariko said...

This kind of thing usually means something better around the corner! I am voting for the move to Hawaii for a while idea.
Jake said you were interested in that green consulting company too, which sounds cool.

chelsea said...

Staying in California longer...good for me, bad for you. wah ha ha ha! but seriously, it could be good for you too.