Saturday, July 19, 2008

M the Mermaid

So, on Miriam's penultimate day of school, they had a little water safety drill that involved getting into the pool wearing all of your clothes. The pool is not that deep, so I think it was about not panicking. But with Miriam, they needn't have worried.
She came home, we were talking about her day and Bekah, trying to have a teaching moment, asks, "So if you fell in deep water with all of your clothes, what would you do?"
"Well, first I would look down at my feet and see if I was a mermaid. If I was, then I would just swim down deep to where the mermaids are."


Mariko said...

YESSSSS! Mermaids rule. I always wanted to breathe under water. And I've always been jealous of people who can open their eyes under water and see stuff. It looks so cool, especially on movies.

sienna said...

i only had one barbie and it was a mermaid. so cool. (it might have been a fake barbie) but still cool.

Brooke said...

That's one of the most awesome things I've ever heard (read).

Kaity said...

HaHa. Too funny. Too much Tolkein.

Kaity said...
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