Sunday, July 27, 2008

More BSA in Japan, kayaking

So I planned this hike last weekend to some waterfalls I have been wanting to check out forever. It is finally so intensely hot and humid that life without waterfalls is unbearable. But, being from Laie, I unthinkingly chose the Saturday of the first three day weekend after school got out. It should have taken us maybe an hour and half to get there. Instead, after three and a half hours we were stuck in traffic halfway there and it was not going to get any better. So rather than take six hours to get there, we bailed and drove to the military base and rented kayaks and kayaked in the bay. I could portray it in one of two ways.
Here is the gritty industrial side.

And here is the beautiful natural side.


Kaity said...

This looks cool. I love the natural side. I really want to kayak Na Pali coast if you ever want to do it again.

christian said...

I'm with Kaity for the the Natural side. Way cooler.

chelsea said...
