Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Latest job interview.

So I had this really good job interview this morning. It was for one of the history jobs and I thought I was able to make a really strong case about why I can teach East Asian history, even though I don't have a history degree. The interviewers were really nice and seemed interested in my work and we had a really good conversation. All in all, I was very hopeful about my prospects for the job.

And then I woke up, literally, and realized it was a dream.

I was wondering if anyone can interpret this dream for me. Maybe the job interview is a metaphor for something. I know this is way out there, but maybe I have some (very) subconscious anxiety about something that's going on right now. I can't think of what it might be though. Any suggestions?


Mariko said...

This is the saddest post ever. You totally had me.
I think things are going to work out for you. You've had some extraordinarily good luck in the past. I don't think it's just luck, actually, but you know what I mean. Something good is coming your way.
We need a teacher to teach AVID 9th grade, Agriculture for 8th grade, Food Service, Art Semester 1 and PE semester 2. Yes. This is all for the same person.

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

I wouldn't want to be in your shoes and frankly I'm sorry you're in your own shoes.

I hope you get an awesome job (or just a job) soon.

Pamela Palmer said...

You're kidding about the anxiety, right? Sounds like Mike's interview with BYUH.

Jesse said...

It's not supposed to be sad. It's supposed to be funny. I think it's funny that I had a dream about this at all. (The two interviews I've had so far have gone well, I just haven't been offered any jobs.) It reminds me of my surfing dream in Taiwan, where I kept checking the waves and they were really good, but somehow I couldn't get down in the water. I actually do not feel all that worried, although apparently there is some anxiety about the whole thing. I think it would be strange if there weren't. Mariko, I would love to teach at Kahuku, seriously, and those classes sound pretty fun. If nothing comes up in the next month or so, I'll let you know.

Robbie said...

You can do anything you have the desire to do, and you know it. How funny that your dream felt so real. I don't know about interpretations of dreams (I'm usually relieved to wake up from mine and realize they weren't real), but I hope something like this really comes your way soon! Good luck.

chelsea said...

Kahuku. There's my 2 cents. Not that you wanted them. :)